Eventually, they overthrew the Elder Things and killed them, and built their own cities ( HPL: "At the Mountains of Madness") Their architecture mimics the five-pointed symmetry of the Elder Things. Although created to be mindless, the shoggoths mutated through the aeons and slowly developed consciousness, and even became periodically rebellious. Their ability to shape their bodies as needed made them ideal living construction machinery. The shoggoths were originally bred as servitor creatures by the Elder Things, who used them for underwater construction. Arthur Gordon Pym also encountered the phrase, as cries from flocks of large, white birds, in his journey in the Southern Ocean ( ADJ: The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket ).

That is specifically how they fought the Elder Things during their rebellion.Īpparently, they emit a horrible, overpowering stench that's strong enough to completely mask the alienating smell of the Elder Things.Ī curious behavior of the shoggoth is their repetitive cry of "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" Demonstrating their mindless mimicry, this is a phrase they copied from the Elder Things. The shoggoth can kill its enemies by enveloping them and generating enough suction-force to decapitate their victims. It was described as like watching a train closing in on someone standing on the tracks. When encountered at the South Pole, it moved at incredible speed. A shoggoth is capable of shaping itself into whatever organs or shapes it finds necessary at the moment however, in its usual state it tends to sport a roiling profusion of eyes, mouths, and pseudopodia. A shoggoth is some 15 feet in diameter if it shaped itself into a sphere, but larger and smaller versions exist.

A shoggoth is a sentient blob of self-shaping, gelatinous flesh, something like a giant amoeba.